Friday, 25 March 2011

That's is the actually what you want kan? Cakap tak serupa bikin.


That's actually what you want..
that's actually what you waiting for
the oppurtunity....
i know
you are very clever...
as far as you can
memutarbelitkan all the words and fact
just like a lawyer....
telling youself like nujum pak belalang
ya...seems like you know people hearts
ya...seems like you people mind
of the great anugerah form the Allah.
Let me tell you something
you talk to much...
the more you talks the more you make mistakes

just an advice from me...
ungkapan dan kata kata
adalah sesuatu yang amat berharga
yang terlalu tinggi nilainya.
dengan itu berhati hati
dengan kata kata...
jangan jadi seperti kata kata...seperti
cakap tak serupa bikin........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you not sure what you want.....

my beloved wife..

again i am proud of you my wife.
U are very firm and tegas
U know what you are doing
your love, your understanding, your pengorbanan,your kesucian,
hati yang bersih sebersih kapas
never bersangka buruk
selalu bersangka baik
mudah memaafkan
tidak ambil hati
berlapang dada
its all budi pekerti yang baik baik
listen to your mengaji Al Quran every day after solat
wake up as early in the morning
Solat Tahajjud, Solat Taubat, Solat Hajat almost everyday
since we get married
everyday cooked for me and the kids
before you go to work
listen to your lough and smile
you are kelakar
always make me happy.
You are so beriman....
i wonder why Allah need you now
becouse you love Allah
and Allah love you.

congratulation my wife....Allah is always with you. i know that for sure.
Al fatihah for you sayang.


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